Make Planting a Habit
Every year, in the month of July, Nutrition Month is being celebrated and annually, there is a correspondent theme and for this year, it is "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin". While planting may seem small, the riffle effects of this activity can be different and extraordinary. How can planting be useful for us? How can it save us? We all know that planting has a wide scope. It can be for trees, plants, fruits, and vegetables. By planting trees, it can lessen the effects of many disasters like for heavy rains that may cause floods and many more that we can possibly experience nor encounter in our whole existence. For example, when the rains are getting heavy, it cannot stop but it can prevent the harmful effects the disaster can bring. For plants, we all know that they are those we use to decorate our home. Plants can also bring hope and spread peace and positivity for us. By planting fruits and vegetables, we can prevent diseases and they also give nutrient...